Every year our holiday season begins on the day after Thanksgiving when I turn on my favorite Christmas CD's,
Because we have a hard time getting our entire extended family together on an actual holiday, we started having an open house for my extended family the week before Christmas. I originally did it for convenience, but it has become tradition and we have been hosting this event for about 10 years now. Because I have been doing it for so long, we have it down to a science. We have it on the same day every year (the Sunday before Christmas), we have food catered from the same place each year (I gave up trying to do all of my own cooking), we invite the same people. The girls look forward to it every year because it is the only time they get to see all of their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins at one time.
This year having been personally impacted by the economy and seeing more and more friends affected by the economy as well, we decided that we would make one small change to our open house and asked everyone to bring a food donation that we could take to our local food bank. My family came through with flying colors. There were bags and boxes and stacks of food on our doorstep by the end of the evening.
About halfway through the open house, my oldest daughter snuck out the door to meet up with some friends from the neighborhood and they came knocking on the front door and started singing Christmas carols. There were about a half a dozen of them and their voices were sweet and pure in the night and my entire family came to the door to watch. When they finished, they asked if they could take the food donations and add them to donations they had been collecting all week to take to the food bank.
How nice that something that was our tradition (the open house) had enough room to grow into something that will help others (the food donations) and could be enjoyed by so many (the caroling and the painting).
I look forward to expanding other traditions into something that we all enjoy and are proud of.
Lesson Six: The best traditions have room to grow.
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